CO.CC:Free Domain

Thursday, January 15, 2009


التشاورية الخليجية تقرر بحث الحرب على غزة بقمة الكويت

السعودية: قمة الرياض أضفت جوا من التفاهم (الفرنسية)
اختتمت في الرياض مساء الخميس أعمال القمة الخليجية التشاورية الطارئة التي دعا إليها ملك السعودية عبد الله بن عبد العزيز, على خلفية الوضع الراهن في قطاع غزة.

وعقب الاجتماع المغلق للقادة الخليجيين, أعرب وزير الخارجية السعودي الأمير سعود الفيصل عن أمله بأن تنعكس قمة الرياض إيجابيا على قمة الكويت الاقتصادية.

كما قال إن "ما كان سيبحث في قمة الدوحة بشأن غزة, سيتم بحثه في قمة الكويت, مشيرا إلى أن قمة الخليج شددت على وحدة الموقف وأضفت جوا من التفاهم".

وحول التنافس على عقد القمم العربية, قال الفيصل "أينما عقدت القمة فإنه لا يهم المكان ولكن العبرة بالمواقف التي يتخذها القادة في هذه القمم".

وفيما يتعلق بالموقف من مبادرة السلام العربية في ظل استمرار العدوان على قطاع غزة, قال الفيصل إنها صالحة لكن الطرف الآخر يتقاعس ولا يريد أن يتفق, بل يريد كسب الأراضي.

وتحدث وزير الخارجية السعودي عن بحث القمة الخليجية لتوفير الدعم المالي لغزة, وقال إن التبرعات ستكون سخية.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Get Money By Tide Advertisement in Indonesian Sites

In Indonesia now circulating many programs " click earn money" or PPC ( Pay Per Click) what loo like with Google Adsense or of Google Adbrite. This Article will study in a flash him.

For netter which still ordinary civil there was not know more about program "advertising internet" this is we could probably explain briefly. This program is advertisement service in web, where owner of web/site will get advantage can install advertisement loaded by program " advertising internet". Thus this is same workplan owner of web with advertiser side. Advertisement of internet usually look for appropriate client for the category of situs to isn't it.

Some advertisement in Indonesian Site which we have time to watch, for example:

1. Kliksaya.Com Situs is designed to loo like with Adbrite, and could probably isn't it as one of the PPC the popular enoughness in this time in the place of Google Adsense which the was advertisement of liking do not go out in Indonesia situs. Support Payment pass bank of BCA and Self-Supporting ( probably because both have online in internet), so that if netter not yet had account in both this bank better open account to water down process of this transfer of money.

System profit sharing of by xself is 50:50 from advertisement value. Become if advertisement price the clicked is Rp. 1.000, it to be owner of web will get rp. 500, becoming fair to middling isn't it. Money alone will be accepted by owner of web after reaching Rp. 50.000,-, to be transferred automatically to bank account.

Address: Villa Tomang Mas Block of C / 12 Telp. 021-33034199
West Jakarta 11510.

2. Admax Network Admax is network owning model of business which almost is equal to Google Adsense. The difference Clients of Google Adsense flatten – flatten Small Medium of Enterprise ( SME) while Admax clients is Big Brand. Centering in Thailand, in this time Admax have stepped into Indonesia and have office of branch in Jakarta. Admax also reside in Singapore, Philippine, Malaysia and of Vietnam.

Address: Masterpiece
Tower 28th Floor Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Block X-5 Kav. 1-2, Jakarta 12950 INDONESIA - Office: + 62 ( 0)21 5789-5837.

3. Indofad Situs also loo like with Adbrite and of At the moment Indofad situs still in beta phase. We not yet known detail concerning this situs because still spelled out members new enough, but so far which we watch the party of diligent enough him and co-operative.

Address: Griya Puri G4 No 22, Lagoon, Pakuwon City. Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.

4. PPC Indo One again PPC of Surabaya under wings of PT. Progressive Multimedia, which the was format of almost is equal to Adbrite. At the him of written by partner with Indofad. Payment of beverage which we see from the payment list of is Rp. 10.000,-. Commission of him which we watch is Rp. 100,- with profit sharing 50:50.

Address: Graha Gebang Kidul Tower Building, Jl. Gebang Kidul Puskesmas 41, First Floor Suite D-4 Surabaya - 60117, telp: 031-72628403 - HP: 081-703311775.

5. Kumpulblogger Situs PPC more major for the situs of blog or all Indonesias blogger, possible him of wishing to yield money.

M Hasbi

Get Free Money in Internet Via Blog.

There is asking me, how to get money on internet just pass blog? My reply answer at the time only passing ' Google Adsense', but in this time have many choices.

When 2 year ago it is true have many advertisement programs which can be attached in blog to yield money like passing ' advertisement' or of follow Adbrite. But most effective yield money by then thats is Google Adsense.

But in this time a lot of possible choices if written here will very long once. Article only explaining in a word how to make blog and get money of result from blog.

What that Blog and of how it is? Blog is abbreviation of "log web" is application form of web looking like articles ( loaded as posting) at a page;yard of web public. This articles is oftentimes loaded in inversed massage ( new former newest content is later;then followed by longer content, though not forever that way. Web Site like this usually can be accessed by all consumers of internet as according to topic and intention of the consumer of blog. ( Wikipedia)

Equally that Blog in fact situs also, what usually only managed by a writer ( recognized with term of Blogger). Profile Writer also is sometime presented in situs. There is 2 site providing most popular Blog like and of - Blog which again go up leaf there is and there are some local blog which I forget his addresses :(

Tips: You can use free domain for the address of yours blog - Example of if address of site our of hosting in place long so called free of charge like: - if us wear domain - so can be shortened to become - Become visitor of situs will easier remember address of situs our, and it is of course if will type him also needn't lengths.

If 2 year ago next to nothing which can yield money in Blog Indonesian to except Google Adsense which sometime emerge his advertisement.

But now there are some choices for example:

1. Kumpulblogger - This Situs is made special of Network of Indonesia Blogger, so that can get perquisite alternative. Its way is provided spot at the him of as place submit commercial message of Advertiser. All Blogger may this facilities although there is rule which must obey. Further Info here.

2. Adspeedy - This Site is functioning online advertisement portal to bring into contact Advertiser ( owner of advertisement) and Publisher ( publisher of advertisement). With existence of various pre-eminent fasilias which ready for use, presumably can give new nuance in the world of online advertisement in Indonesia.

System work Adspeedy almost is equal to Google Adsense where every view of advertisement ( CPM), Blogger Advertisement must former di-approve by admin before advertisement can yield money. Further Info here.

3. Kliksaya - This Situs is we have review, become for sharpness please read here. This Situs do not suited for Blogger beginner, because goals of situs acceded to to emerge the advertisement of is minimum 10.000 month;moon view.

4. PPCINDO | Adsensecamp | Indofad - Third of this site same also the function of with above some site. Which the difference from all this situs is productions of him. Mean range from Rp. 100 - 700. Besides each site also there is the negative and excess. Please step into each situs to study him in detail.

Yielding money of English- if English speaking in your Blog, could probably get money by advertisement tide from this under sites :

1. Google Adsense - Is most popular advertisement site in world. But its very hard in apply , and the order of plenty, pluses require to obey by Blogger, if dicey from that u'll be get BAN.

2. Widgetbucks - concepted Widgetbucks (WB) like with Google Adsense (GA), the difference is WB more to selected product, and all the advertisers of most are online shops. Ad for him of WB accept payment pass Paypal, become needn't busy to liquefy cheque as in GA, what sometime do not be accepted by all banks in Indonesia.

3. Chitika - Conception this site rather differ from WB & GA, but principally much the same to. Difference especially seen in better appearance. Unhappily Chitika traffik only destined to access from America and just Canada, out of it advertisement will not emerge.

Besides there is many situs again which can yield moneys make Blog netter like Adbrite, Clicksor, bidvertiser and other. This solution is we will study furthermore hereinafter in article " 10 alternative choice besides Google Adsense.

Review Ziddu: Free Hosting File And Get Dollar.

File Saving or recognized with file of hosting have become tren in internet. In this time many situs offering this services, but if you wear service of situs Ziddu, you also able to get ' Dollar.

How many files which can be kept by in Ziddu?
So far Ziddu not yet limited to the number of kept files ( upload), or equally unlimited. You can also menyimpan some files at the same time with facility ' Multi Upload'.

File any kind of which I can keep?
All file forms can be kept, ad for in the form of document, song ( MP3), video, and photo. Ziddu also provide folder fitur, where you can divide file which you keep pursuant to kateogri which you wish. Besides there is album also for saving of photo, song, and video.

How much/many which I can get from Ziddu?
Ziddu will pay for you after yours earnings minimum reach $ 10 or for the price of by 10000 times, rill of download ( have to unique IP) from one or some files. Payment alone use Paypal. Payment will be processed by every 10 per month.

What other advantage use service of Ziddu?
If you like to work remote and go about, sometime forget bring flashdisk, file solution of hosting like this is Ziddu very precisely. You can put file which often you wear ( if you the important is to use and password of di-zip), so that if under developed, you is only needing and computer of koneksi just internet. Besides Ziddu like to be used for facility back up from them which do not have big depository space or as reserve ( secondary back up) if backed up data not intentionally destroy, lose or vanished.

Is Ziddu there is affiliation program?
Ziddu provide affiliation program. You will get bonus $ 0.1 if/when isn't it service of Ziddu to or friend of netter other. Bonus will direct given after yours referral of upload at least one file.

M Hasbi

Create Indonesian Account In Alertpay

Make Account of Alertpay

click Logo Bellow:

Then clicked Sign Up Choose Country select;choose Indonesia. There is 3 choice that is Personal Starter, Personal Pro and Business Personal Starter : Each, Every transaction do not be imposed by expense, but maximal limited transaction $ 400/ months and $ 2000 /yearly.

Personal Pro : Each;Every transaction imposed by expense, transaction do not limit. Business : Special for You of is owner of online effort (merchant), for example You sell something onlinely.

My suggestion please select Personal Pro or Business, although imposed by expense but the expense is very small if there is transaction if there no transaction remain to do not pay for something, very good Personal Pro to the fore him.

If You choose Personal Pro then click CREATE ACCOUNT yg there is below/under Personal Pro.
Last filled Your datas :
Firs Name : Your Forename for example Joko
Last Name : Final Name of You for example Susanto Phone : No Telp or HP for example Your telp 021-123456 so making 6221123456 or Your HP no 0813123456 so making 62813123456
Address 1 : Your Address for example Rose No. 100 Address 2 : just Emptying
City / town : Your Place town remain
Country : Indonesia
Region : Your Province Place remain
Postal Code : Your Zip Code
Than click Next and fill Your datas again
Email Address : Put into your mail
Password : Password is here asked by letter and number minimum 6 character for example jokosusanto2000 and Re-Enter Password jokosusanto2000 : Repeat Your yg password of mentioned above content.
Question 1 : Selecting question of Your there take a fancy to
Answer 1 : Answer question of Question above....

Next and Next....

Indonesia Version


Klik logo di bawah ini:

Lalu klik Sign Up

Choose Country pilihlah Indonesia

Ada 3 pilihan yaitu Personal Starter, Personal Pro dan Business

Personal Starter : Setiap transaksi tidak dikenakan biaya, tapi transaksi terbatas maksimal $ 400 perbulan dan $ 2000 pertahun.

Personal Pro : Setiap transaksi dikenakan biaya, transaksi tidak dibatasi.

Business : Khusus bagi Anda pemilik usaha online (merchant), misalnya Anda menjual sesuatu secara online.

Saran saya pilihlah Personal Pro atau business, walaupun dikenakan biaya tapi biayanya kecil, itupun kalau ada transaksi kalau tidak ada transaksi tetap tidak bayar apa-apa, Personal Pro sangat bagus untuk kedepannya.

Jika Anda memilih Personal Pro maka klik CREATE ACCOUNT yg ada dibawah Personal Pro.

Lalu isilah data-data Anda :

Firs Name : Nama pertama Anda misal Joko

Last Name : Nama akhir Anda misal Susanto

Phone : No telp atau HP Anda, misal telp Anda 021-123456 maka buat 6221123456 atau no HP Anda 0813123456 maka buat 62813123456

Address 1 : Alamat Anda misal Jl. Mawar No. 100

Address 2 : Kosongkan saja

City/Town : Kota tempat Anda tinggal

Country : Indonesia

Region : Propinsi tempat Anda tinggal

Postal Code : Kode Pos Anda

Lalu klik Next

Lalu isi lagi data-data Anda

Email Address : Masukkan email Anda

Password : Password disini diminta gabungan huruf dan angka minimal 6 karakter misal jokosusanto2000

Re-enter Password : Ulangi password yg Anda isi diatas tadi

Question 1 : Pilihlah pertanyaan yg Anda sukai

Answer 1 : Jawaban pertanyaan tsb

Question 2 : Pilih lagi pertanyaan

Answer 2 : Jawabannya

Lalu masukkan kode sesuai dg yg tertulis lalu klik kotak kecil yg bertulis I agree to AlertPays

Lalu klik Register

Setelah itu bukalah email Anda, lihatlah email yg dikirim oleh Alertpay,nah disana ada link untuk aktivasi atau validasi, klik saja link tsb, maka muncullah situs AlertPay isilah password Anda, lalu klik Log In.

Setelah itu isi lagi data transaksi pin

Create Transaction PIN : masukkan angka semua, minimal 4 karakter maksimal 8 karakter misalnya : 123456

Re-enter Transaction PIN : Ulangi angka yg Anda masukkan seperti diatas tadi misal 123456

Setelah itu Anda sudah berhasil terdaftar di AlertPay, tapi belum bisa untuk transaksi sebelum Anda verified, cara verified, klik tulisan Verified atau Become Verified.

Pada Document Types pilihlah Photo ID lalu klik Next.

Nanti disana ada pilihan

Driver’s license : yaitu SIM

Passport : yaitu Paspor

State ID : KTP

Country ID : Bisa juga KTP atau KTP Nasional

Pilihlah salah satu yg Anda miliki, sebelumnya scan dulu.

Misalnya Anda memilih Driver’License atau SIM maka scan SIM Anda, setelah di scan tentu akan tersimpan file anggaplah nama filenya sim.jpg

klik kotak kecil Driver’s License lalu browse carilah file sim.jpg lalu klik Upload.

Begitu juga untuk Proof Of Address, nanti disana ada pilihan

Utility Bill : Tagihan listrik, PAM,PBB (Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan) atau tagihan apa saja yg disana ada nama Anda dan alamat Anda dan yg diminta tagihan 3 bulan yg lalu.

Phone Bill : Tagihan telepon, bisa juga tagihan HP pasca bayar, misalnya kartu halo, xplor dll, yg disana ada nama Anda dan alamat Anda dan yg diminta tagihan 3 bulan yg lalu.

Credit Card Statement : Tagihan kartu kredit atau surat-surat dari kartu kredit yg disana ada nama Anda dan alamat Anda dan yg diminta tagihan 3 bulan yg lalu.

Bank Statement : Surat-surat dari Bank yg disana ada nama Anda dan alamat Anda dan yg diminta tagihan 3 bulan yg lalu.

Pilihlah salah satu yg Anda miliki lalu discan, jangan lebih dari 5 MB, jika lebih bisa dikurangi dg program ACdsee atau photoshop, setelah di scan anggaplah filenya buktialamat.jpg, lalu browse carilah file buktialamat.jpg lalu klik Upload.

Tunggulah 3 hari bisnis (sabtu, minggu dan hari libur tdk termasuk hari bisnis). Jika disetujui maka status Anda akan menjadi verified, maka Anda sudah bisa transaksi.

Untuk menunggu verified tsb Anda sudah bisa mengikuti bisnis-bisnis gratis yg saya informasikan.

Untuk login yaitu email Anda, Password yg Anda masukkan saat daftar (huruf dan angka misal jokosusanto2000).

Kalau untuk transaksi nanti barulah diminta Transaction PIN (angka semua misalnya 123456)

Lalu kemanakah pencairannya ? Setelah account Anda di verified nanti pencairannya ada pilihan

1. Transfer Bank : Untuk Indonesia belum ada

2. Cek : Internasional dan Indonesia bisa

3. E-gold : Kalau dulu bisa sekarang sudah tidak bisa.

Jadi untuk sementara cara pencairannya adalah dg cek. Jika ada uang yg masuk ke AlertPay Anda anggaplah $ 100, lalu klik Withdraw Funds lalu isilah data-data Anda dg benar jumlah uang dan alamat serta nama Anda, terutama alamat Anda, karena cek akan diantar ke alamat Anda. Cek tersebut bisa dicairkan diBank manapun diseluruh Indonesia.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Klak-Klik Dapat Duit, Daftarkan Segara. Tunggu Apalagi.

Yuk Bareng-bareng Ikutan Daftar. Bagi-bagi RIZKI daripada bengong. Klik-klik dapat duit. Tunggu apa lagi ......... Tinggal Klik:

At Massive PTC, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites.
The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends. You'll get paid $0.01 for each website you personally view and $0.0075 for each website your referrals view. Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through Alertpay. The minimum payout is $10.00.

Earnings Example
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.1
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $1.5
» Your daily earnings = $1.6
» Your weekly earnings = $11.2
» Your monthly earnings = $48
» Your total annual earnings = $576

The above example is based only on 20 referrals and 10 daily clicks. Some days you will have more clicks available, some days you will have less. What if you had more referrals? What if there were more ads available?

Thousands of satisfied members that have received their payment.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

(TIPS) Get Money Free, Legal Adn Lawful Just Via Ur Browsing

(TIPS) U can buy premium account of Rapidshare Free or other account else.
Wow, it's true live this will draw if us get something free of charge, but if only wishing free of chargewithout hard work and effort, that is unreasonable name.
If you wish to get free Rapidshare Premium account, there is a way of FREE, AD FOR and LAWFUL to get him. As correct as him don't free of charge also, we is buy Rapidshare Premium account, but money which we use to buy premium account of Rapidshare is not from our sack, bag, but from RESULTur EFFORT.
Core of him is we will be paid by having taken steps with refer to surveys. Money which isn't it to us can in transfer to our Paypal account. Afterwards we buy Premium account of Rapidshare pass our Paypal account. Altogether free of charge from internet.
Plz follow step by step to get Rapidshare Premium account:
1. Click and register free accoount here A.W SURVEYS paid click in "Create A Free Account" to registry. After registration, do act to survey which have been provided. You'D get USD $ 6 after and registration of survey first.
2. please Registry Paypal Account ( FREE). Needn'T put into credit card no if interrogated, because we use Paypal account to accept money of A.W Surveys.
3. After getting enough money, please transfer it into your Paypal account.
4. Buy Premium of Rapidshare account on Rapid Share website with your Paypal account.
In fact not only just Rapidshare account, but we can buy any kind of through the internet during them accept payment with Paypal, including exsample in
Hopefully can assist. Please try.

M Hasbi

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